El Rec del Molí (The irrigation of the Mill).
Rises at the lock of Colomers and flows into l’Escala. In its way to Verges, it reinforced the defensive power of the wall and it moved the millstones of the flower and rice mill, but their waters were also used to wash clothes, to give the bestiary drink, to learn how to swim, to water crops, to extend rice crops (XVII-XVIII century) and even to throw garbage into it. It is documented from the XIII century that, together with its by-pass (Estanys’ irrigation), it was a key element for the economic development of the village. Lineage like the Marimon, the Albert, the Sentmenat or the Ciutadilla, owe much of their fortune to the misuse of the water resources provided by El Rec del Molí.
A bit after the irrigation leaves the village, when it flows next to the old path of Bellcaire, it offers the possibility of following it a few more kilometers. It is a unique occasion to perceive the essence of the low Ter, the flat land, the lowlands, so low that you can almost walk at the water’s level. Put there a sunset or, if you like more intense experiences, a touch of Tramuntana, and you will fall in love with this country forever.